
Bhutan Visa

Have any doubts on how to get a Bhutan Visa?  No Worries. We are here to provide you all the information on Bhutan Visa and Bhutan Visa Cost. So, know all about Bhutan Travel Visa , Travel Cost and  How to transfer money to Bhutan before traveling to Bhutan.

It is easy  to apply for Bhutan Travel Visa. All  visitors visiting  Bhutan has to procure  visa before arriving in Bhutan. The Indian Tourists require e -permits to enter Bhutan. However, International Tourists require e-visas.  Both e-Visas and e-permits are issued through certified tour operators like Bhutan Best Inbound Tour.

The guidelines provided below may help you to understand how to  get Bhutan Visa. And how it works.

Bhutan Visa


The visa formalities work slightly differently for Regional  Tourist and International  Tourist.

Visa Formality For International Tourist


Bhutan Government has adopted a cautious tourism policy from the beginning to avoid the negative impact of mass tourism. Being a small country, Bhutan cannot effort to succumb to over-commercialization in the field of Tourism. Thus the policy of High Value, Low Volume Tourism is highly preserved.


Bhutan Visa Cost

On 27th June 2022, the bill was passed to levy the Government SDF for International guests from USD 65 to USD 200 per night per person.

So in order to get your visa processed , the required Bhutan Government SDF per night per person has to be transferred to the Government SDF account and one time visa application fee of USD40.



Bhutan Travel
Bhutan Travel
Visa Application Process

In order to get your Bhutan visa , first you have to send the necessary Government SDF and one time Visa processing fee


Payment Protection

Your SDF payment is well protected.

After receiving your payment, the Bhutan Tour operator has to send all the payments to the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB).   TCB verifies  the if the required SDF is met or not and further forwards to the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs. The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs just checks the validity of the passport and approves your Bhutan Visa. The Tour operator will mail you the e-visa , once the visa is approved . The e visa has to be produced while entering the country. Upon your arrival, an immigration officer at the counter shall verify your passport  and e visa clearance .

You need to show your visa clearance letter at your point of entry. Then the immigration will stamp the visa into your passport.

How To Transfer money to Bhutan Account

There are 2 ways to transfer money to Bhutan account:

1. International Wire Transfer

Bhutan can receive the payment in  USD , Euro , Yen and in GBP. So, please follow the following steps to transfer money to Bhutan account.

Step1: The remit  amount should be transferred in any of the above mentioned currency. If your country currency is not in the above currency list. Then please convert.

Step 2. You have to provide details of Beneficiary Bank details (Bhutan National Bank)

 Beneficiary Bank details (Bhutan National Bank)

Step 3:

You have to provide details of Ultimate Beneficiary/Recipient

Beneficiary :

  1. Account Name of Tour Operator : Eg. Bhutan Best Inbound Tour
  2. Address : Eg. RTC Road , White Duplex, PO Box 2050, Postal code 11001 , Thimphu
  3. Account Number: Eg 0100072……


2. Bhutan Payment Gateway

The other way to transfer money to Bhutan is by using Bhutan Payment Gateway System. The tour operator will just send you the link, you just need to click the link , fill in details and submit. You need to use your Cards to make payment to Bhutan account through Bhutan Payment Gateway.

Bhutan Visa Formality For Regional Tourist


Till June 2020, Indian, Bangladeshis, and Maldivian did not have to pay the Government SDF.

It was not mandatory for Regional Tourists to have an e-visa to enter Bhutan. They could travel to Bhutan on their own in support of their Voters Identity Card (VIC).

Starting from 1st July 2020, the Royal Government of Bhutan has levied SDF (Sustainable Development Fee) for Indian Guest. This is levied in order to promote sustainable and responsible Tourism under the same principle of ‘High Value, Low Volume” Tourism. The concessional SDF  for Regional Guest is Nu.1200 per person per night, equivalent to approximately USD16.

And for Bangladeshi and Indian they have to pay the SDF of USD 200 per person per night, same as any other International guest. However the citizens of Bangladesh and the Maldives can obtain visa at the port of entry and after having paid the required SDF.

The Villages of Bhutan

It has also become Mandatory for Regional Tourist to have e-visa prior to visiting Bhutan

e-Permit Process

The  licensed Bhutanese Tour operator like Bhutan Best Inbound Tour processes the e-permit . However, the Regional guests can recommend the tour operator their own choice of preferred hotel or transportation.

The regional tourist has to furnish the following through the tour operator in order to get e-permit.

1.Details of the confirmed tour itinerary

2. Details of the confirmed accommodation

3. Details of the confirmed ground transport

4. Details of Licensed Bhutanese Tour Guide

5. Pay the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF)

The Regional guests are required to send the photo page of the passport or voter card to the tour operator . As this is required by tour operator  to apply for  e-permit through Online Regional Permit System.  Passports or birth certificates are acceptable for Indian natives under 18. However, they must be accompanied by legal guardians.

Benefits of paying SDF For Regional Guest

The new change could be a disappointment to some of the Regional Tourists . However, there are some benefits of paying SDF. The following are the benefits

  1. You will get your permit in advance.
  2. Safe and secure personal attention during the stay in Bhutan
  3. Preferential Exemption granted to all Tourists from paying the entry fees for state-owned tourist attraction sites.
  4. Guarantee quality services.
  5. Contribute to overall sustainable management of tourism in Bhutan

If you still have any questions about  Bhutan Travel Visa, you can always feel to Contact Us. We are the licensed tour operator and can provide you information on Bhutan Travel Visa.

TaggedBhutan Entry For Regional GuestBhutan VisaBhutan Visa Applicatione-permit for Indian GuestSDF For Indian Nationality

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